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Radiant Ceiling Heating
and Cooling System

Messana Website Italy Messana RayMagic Website US

The Science: Agreement
It is a matter of fact documented by engineering groups throughout the world, including ASHRAE, that the physics of radiant heating and cooling provide the optimum opportunity to create the ideal conditioning system, in concert with proper ventilation, dehumidification and controls. Dozens of reports have been published throughout the world that specifically addresses the positive effects of radiant heating and cooling upon the productivity of employees. An extensive bibliography of papers on this subject is available through Messana.
Productivity Economic Benefits:
2%-10 % Improvement
Also available within the bibliography are independent testing designed to anylize the change in productivity between radiant systems and forces air systems.

50 employees at $70,000 average
income = $3,500,000

2% increase in
productivity = $70,000
savings per year

What is Ray Magic
Robert Messano
Your Well Being
Quantifying Well Being
Understanding Comfort
Green Solution to Forced Air
Green Your Home
Construction Benefits
The Radiant Drywall
Easy To Install
Technical Specifications and Performance
Increased R-Value and Better Sound Insulation
Complete Layout Support
The House That Breathes
Innovative Connecting Technology
How The Complete System Is Controlled
Piping Diagrams
The Ray Magic Job Site
Ray Magic Comparison
Radiant Architecture
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